Membership Perks
Members are the heart of IABC
An IABC membership comes with a number of global benefits that will put you on the leading edge of the profession.
These include:
Connections to help you advance: Find mentors and tap into a global network of peers for answers to pressing questions through The Hub, a private online community for IABC members only.
Tools to leverage for results: Access critical information when you need it, from an online library that includes award-winning case studies, webinars, podcasts and more.
Content to keep informed: Stay current with Catalyst magazine articles and other content on critical industry topics delivered to your inbox each week.
Learning to stay sharp: Keep growing with discounts on professional development through IABC Advance online courses, the IABC World Conference, IABC award programs, and with chapter and regional events.
Credentials to raise your profile: Get discounts on professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).
In addition, IABC London members receive the following local benefits:
Special member pricing on IABC London professional development events and our Virtuoso Awards
Exclusive networking opportunities in southwestern Ontario and Canada
Opportunity to participate in our mentorship program
Access to our monthly Connect e-newsletter
Early notification of communications job postings in London and surrounding areas
Increased profile as a leader committed to advancing best practices in your industry
Volunteer and leadership opportunities with our chapter
IABC’s Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)
SIGs provide members with a global community in which to develop their interests within a specific subject area. Connect with like-minded colleagues, tap into trustworthy sources to advance initiatives and gather practical tips, learning opportunities and best practices.
SIGs are currently in place for: healthcare, student/early career, education, change management, consultants, and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Visit IABC’s website for more information.
Have questions about membership?
Contact IABC London’s Director, Membership at iabclondonmembership@gmail.com or IABC International’s Member Relations team at 1-800-776-4222 or member_relations@iabc.com
For a list of frequently asked questions, please visit IABC International’s website.