Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
Professional certifications through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC®) give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise and provide evidence of your outstanding abilities. Completing your certification is the first step in a process of life-long learning that elevates your career and provides a structure for keeping your skills fresh and applicable.
GCCC currently offers two levels of certification:
For more information about certification and how to apply, visit the GCCC website.
For information about upcoming exam dates in London, contact IABC London’s Director, Certification.
Communication Management Professional (CMP)
For generalist, specialist and other business communicators established in their careers as managers and looking to demonstrate their competence. The CMP is an ANSI-Accredited Personnel Certification Program (Accreditation #1259), proving the prestige and value of this certification on an international scale.
Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) — For highly skilled business communicators practiced in providing strategic communication advice and counseling to an organization's leadership. The SCMP is an ANSI-Accredited Personnel Certification Program (Accreditation #1259), proving the value of this certification on an international scale.