Share your thoughts on IABC’s Stronger Together Taskforce Recommendations
In 2021, IABC introduced a new strategic plan, Stronger Together, which emphasizes the collective power of one seamless global organization in responding to the changes affecting our world, our profession, and our association. IABC’s International Executive Board (IEB) recognized that our organizational structure, which served us well as an association of 16,000 members and 100+ chapters, is now too complex for our 6,000 members in 43 chapters.
The IEB acknowledged that the association must evolve and adapt if it is to meet the current and future needs of members and volunteers. In 2022, the IEB set up an IABC Governance and Structure (Stronger Together) Taskforce to help the executive leaders and staff consider how we can best organize ourselves structurally and operationally to thrive in the future and deliver on that strategy.
Proposed model informed by leader feedback
After various briefing and feedback sessions with leaders at all levels around the world, past and present, the Task Force is recommending a model that aligns our leadership and operations around the world to help us achieve common strategic objectives and initiatives.
We want to hear your thoughts on the report so we can effectively represent IABC London’s interests and position us for future success. IABC has also provided an FAQ to support this.
If you’d like to discuss this further, please reach out to Cassandra Caranci, Chapter President.