Register for Virtuoso Awards Writing 101 today

The Virtuoso Awards have officially launched – how exciting!? If you haven’t already started thinking about your entries, now’s the time!

To help you get started, we’re hosting a virtual panel discussion on Feb. 28 from 12-12:45 p.m. ET with past Virtuoso award winners, Deb Van Brenk, Communications Officer, United Way Elgin Middlesex and Vanessa Dolishny, Director of Communications, London Community Foundation.

They’ll join us to share their tips on how they prepared their winning entries, offer tips to keep in mind and answer your questions. Robert DeLaet, Past President will moderate the discussion.

Grab your lunch, come prepared with your questions and get excited for this year’s Virtuoso Awards!

Register (for free) now!


DEADLINE EXTENDED: Join IABC London’s 2023/24 Board of Directors


Lights, camera, AWARDS! IABC London’s 2023 Virtuoso Awards CALL FOR ENTRIES NOW OPEN